
Dec 4, 2012

Vision for a Million

Four years ago, Roger Neuberg, a consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician contacted us with a vision. Roger had first seen our Ambulance at the Women Deliver Conference in London and thought it was an appropriate solution to deal with the current appalling forms of transportation for pregnant women. In addition, there were the delays in reaching appropriate medical help which also had a direct outcome on the patients well being. He came across this situation during his charity work in developing countries.

His problem was that whilst he had a vision he wanted to ensure could be fulfilled, as an individual the task would be very difficult if not impossible. The solution was quite simple, Partnerships. At the time we were working with an NHS health link from Wales called PONT. They had approached us via members of the Welsh Ambulance service to instigate an Ambulance system in Mbale in Uganda.

The aim of the PONT program is to reduce maternal mortality in the Mbale district and is an extremely well thought out program. This includes the training of midwifes and first responders in local villages along with equipping them with cell phones to enhance communication. There is also direct training to clinical staff and improvements to rural health centres. Data collection is also implemented so progress can be closely monitored.

Roger was put into contact with PONT and with us he was able to move forward with his vision. As a very active Rotarian, Roger’s plan was to fundraise for eRanger Ambulances to enhance the PONT project via the Rotary clubs in his District 1070. On hearing of his plans, an American NGO Kissito Healthcare who were also working with PONT in Mbale and surrounding areas, agreed to fund all running costs for the Ambulances throughout the project length. To ensure the sustainability of the Ambulances the maintenance would be carried out at the PONT engineering workshops with suitable training for the staff from eRanger engineers.

Following two years of hard work fundraising via Rotary clubs, Schools and private individuals Roger has raised enough funding to obtain 32 eRangers for Mbale. These will complement the 9 bikes funded by THET (Tropical Health Education Trust) within the project.

The health centres for deployment have been selected for each of the new bikes and further training for healthcare workers is well in hand. The total catchment for the proposed deployment is in excess of one million. All logistics are well under way and the program is due for roll out early in the New Year.We will be updating regularly on the progress of the project with collected data.

With one man’s idea and partnerships, a Vision for a Million has become a reality.